WatchPoint Security Blog

Optimal Cyber Security Programs through Best Practices

Written by Greg Edwards | February 24, 2015

Your Cyber Security program needs to go beyond simple compliance.

Simple Compliance Isn't a Cyber Security Program...

Going for Compliance is simply meeting the requirements, but it isn’t really protecting your business from the cutting edge attacks and issues that businesses are facing in 2015.You have to be creative, creating an outside-the-box Cyber Security Program. The hackers aren't playing by any rules, so you need to think like the hackers if you intend to crush their efforts to shut your system down.

That’s where having a top notch Cyber Security Program, either internally or through a Cyber Security Company is paramount to keeping your business functioning.

Companies that lack a Cyber Security Program are ripe to be destroyed with the perfect storm. Preparing for that storm will get you through the event, faster, and with less pain.

Even companies like Sony and Microsoft are vulnerable to Cyber Attacks as demonstrated recently when they released the movie, The Interview. Their gaming systems were taken offline for approximately 48 hours as both companies worked around the clock to shut the attack down.

The lessons learned from that attack are exactly the kind of information that gets shared in Security Operations Centers, and ends up resulting in new vulnerability patches in software that you have on your computer.

A strong Cyber Security Program identifies your potential risks inside your company and weighs those risks to determine what your process is when you find yourself as a target of opportunity for hackers.

That’s where you need Cyber Security Experts like WatchPoint Data on your side. Our approach involves making your Cyber Security Program cutting edge because we think outside the box for you.

A strong Cyber Security Program will isolate the point of attack, and focus on a counter to that attack with the primary goal of permanently ending the attack.

You’ll discover that your devices will not only be protected, but optimized for maximum efficiency, because the hardest networks to breach are those that are most current and best managed.

Learn more about how WatchPoint Data creates the optimal Cyber Security Program for your company.