WatchPoint Security Blog

Patch Tuesday

Written by Greg Edwards | September 14, 2016

Relying on Auto Update within Windows does not ensure that even the most critical patches are installed in a timely manner. Below is a recent scenario of patches that were released but not installed even though they were considered Critical Updates from Microsoft.

Microsoft Auto Update shows everything is up to date (pictured below) at 5:10a on 2/11/2015. Tuesday 2/10/2015 at 12:01a Microsoft released 6 Security updates and 3 Critical updates. Those 3 Critical updates all permit Remote Code Execution (someone can take over your PC remotely).

Are these Critical updates not really that important? Does a threat already exist that is designed to take advantage of the vulnerabilities?

Yes, these critical updates are important, and you need to verify that they get installed as soon as possible. You also need verification that they have installed without failure.

We don’t know yet if a threat already exists in the wild to take advantage of these vulnerabilities. We do know that if it isn’t already out there it will be soon. Patch fixes are discovered either through Microsoft’s testing or vulnerabilities caught in the wild. The hackers watch Patch Tuesday more closely than anyone. Once the patch information is public, then it is easy to reverse engineer an exploit. Hackers count on the lag between release and implementation to do the most damage. Unfortunately, most people don’t take patching seriously, so the hackers have months and months to take advantage of the known vulnerabilities.

Axis Backup has a new solution called WatchPoint Data to manage Patching and manage a complete layered security solution for your network. You need to decide if you want green checkboxes that give you a false sense of security, or network-wide control that gives you true visibility to your vulnerabilities.

Network security isn’t something you can take for granted any longer. You need visibility and control to take immediate action. The best way to see the power WatchPoint Data gives you is to install our free trial. Contact us and a security expert will help deploy the WatchPoint monitoring system to give you the visibility you need.

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