What sets Sphinx apart from other online banking Trojans is that it has the ability to avoid detection by being immune from sinkholing, blacklisting, and even the Zeus tracking tool.
Sinkholing is the redirection of traffic from its original destination to one specified by the sinkhole owners. The altered destination is known as a sinkhole. Sinkholes can be used for good or ill intent. Most commonly, sinkholes are used to redirect zombies in a botnet to specified research machines to capture data about them.
Blacklisting is exactly how it sounds. In Internet terminology, it's a generic name for a list of e-mail addresses or IP addresses that are originating with known spammers. Individuals and enterprises can use blacklists to filter out unwanted e-mails, as most e-mail applications today have filtering capabilities.
Sphinx was initially sold at $500 with features that include form grabbing, web injects for Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and the Tor browser, a keylogger, as well as an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) and POP3 (a protocol for receiving e-mail by downloading it to your computer from a mailbox on the server of an Internet service provider) grabber. Developers note that Sphinx is designed to operate on computers running Windows Vista and Windows 7; even on those with the User Account Control (UAC) setting enabled. This means that Sphinx can work even on user accounts with low privileges.
Much like Zeus, Sphinx is capable of creating phishing pages that can trick users into providing sensitive banking credentials. Webinjects are used to rectify contents of a website that allows an attacker to steal credit-card and other information. Webfakes are used to carry out phishing attacks without tricking the victim into going to a malicious URL.
According to the developers, once the criminal has everything they need to access your banking information, Sphinx's Backconnect Virtual Network Computing lets them transfer money straight from the contaminated PC.
As the mentioned capabilities have garnered attention from users in the underground forum, the price of Sphinx has doubled to $1,000.