Owning and running a successful law firm is every law student’s dream. To many lawyers, it is the ultimate measure of their law career. But, starting a law firm is not easy. You need years of hard…
Jordan Kadlec

How To Start Your Own Insurance Business
At different points in life, we all feel like we would thrive in the business and entrepreneurship sector. But, the drawback sets in when it is time to decide the right business for your personality.…
Voter Databases Breached in Illinois and Arizona
Ahead of the November 8th presidential election, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is urging states to increase computer security. This comes as no surprise with the recent breach of election…
FOR SALE - Zero-Day Exploits
What are Zero-Day Exploits? A zero-day exploit, also known as a zero-day vulnerability, is an unknown exploit that exposes a vulnerability in software or hardware that can create complicated problems…
Zepto Virus - The Newest Form of Ransomware
2016 cyber-crime statistics are on the rise. In the last six months, ransomware infections have increased an alarming 44 percent, and we continue to see new variations every day. Zepto Virus is the…
Back in early January, we gave you a prediction for the Top 7 Cyber Crime Threats for 2016. Now that we are just over half of the way through the year, we thought we would revisit that article and…
Over 400 Million Affected in Latest Hacks
Myspace and Tumblr have become the latest victims of a data breach, with over 400 million email addresses, usernames, and passwords stolen in the last month.
It looks like cybercriminals are looking for the “bigger fish in the sea” with the rise of whaling. While phishing middle to lower level employees is still extremely relevant in the world of…
Roman Seleznev Set to Stand Trial
Roman Seleznev, one of the world’s most prolific cybercriminals, is set to stand trial on May 9th where he could face up to 30 years in prison. The 31 year old Russian is accused of stealing and…