Deception Technology As A Key Emerging Security Technology

Jordan Kadlec

Cybersecurity threats evolve daily. As such, network security providers must be aware of the threat and respond in kind with more sophisticated and deeper ways of addressing security issues. A new trend in security technology is deception technology.

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Deception technology is designed to beat malware at its own game. It deceives malware and defends a network through advanced threat detection and defense.

Though deception is not a new security idea, its use as an automated response to attempted or potential attacks is a significant change in the IT security sector. As such, all small and large businesses that operate via networks must take it seriously. Its new capabilities and techniques promise to deliver an impact that will change the hacking game entirely.

Deception technology changes how network security threats are faced by organizations. As such, network managers have a duty to learn how they can successfully apply the technology as an offensive tactic. There needs to be more education on deception technology and its value to the network security portfolio of a company.

By understanding the basic workings of deception technology, decision makers in business can recognize the clear benefits and help to maximize network security. Of particular interest is the use of endpoints to lure potential attackers and thwart their attempt at causing havoc. Deception technology needs to keep changing for the better. As network security concerns change, the technology to address the emerging concerns needs to keep one step ahead.

For instance, distributed decoy systems are used to lure potential hackers. Each deceptive lure serves to disrupt, misdirect, and prevent a cyberattack, ransomware included.

Your company’s data and reputation are worth protecting now. Ensure that your company is protected against the latest security threats. WatchPoint recognizes the significance of the growing use of deception technology. CryptoStopper detects and kills ransomware attacks.

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