Dyre Banking Trojan Explained

Greg Edwards

Here is a scary scenario for anyone with a bank account and online banking access. You get an email from your bank that says they have detected suspicious activity coming from specific IP addresses…

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The Supply Chain Planets Align for a Cyber Security Storm

Greg Edwards

Transparency Essential One of the techniques seen in the cyber security threat landscape that has been successful for cybercriminals and which results in good pay-outs for them, is using the supply…

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Top 7 Cyber Crime Threats for 2016

Greg Edwards

Most of us are returning to work after the end of year holidays, excited about a new year and new opportunities. Many of us have watched as 2015 has been a year filled with major cyber security…

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Why you should worry about Application Security

Chris Hartwig

Application Layer Security A lot of time and energy has been expended discussing network security. Organizations have spent millions putting network security mechanisms in place to protect their…

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Will US Technology Companies Hand Over Encryption Keys To The U.S. Government?

Chris Hartwig

FBI Director James Comey is holding back no punches in his quest to persuade American technology companies to hand over the encryption keys to their software that helps keep your data secure. Keeping…

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Cyber Attacks:  The Cost to Big Businesses

Michael Collis

Not a week goes by that we don’t hear of another crippling cyber-attack on a major company in the U.S. Target, Sony, Anthem, Home Depot, Staples, Kmart, UPS, the list goes on and on. Who’s next? When…

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Cyber Crime Against the Small Business

Michael Collis

As a small business owner are you prepared for a cyber security attack? What damage would a cyber security breach mean to your company? Who is responsible for cyber security in your organization? As…

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Why Closing Unused Server Ports is Critical to Cyber Security

Chris Hartwig

Why Closing Unused Ports on a Server is Critical to Cyber Security. Open ports on a server are a security vulnerability that can potentially allow a hacker to exploit services on your network. If…

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Why Didn't My AntiVirus Detect CryptoWall?

Chris Hartwig

CryptoWall and CryptoLocker are ransomware software that encrypt your electronic files and demand that you pay $300 to $500 within 72 hours, or your data will be deleted. There are several different…

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