A Brief History of the Honeypot
No, not the organic, non-gmo, honey we all love. Today we're talking about Honeypot computer systems.
The idea of a Honeypot is nothing new. You can look no further than “The Cuckoos Egg”, a 1989 novel about the world of computer espionage. Spoiler alert, a Honeypot is used to track down the spies.
A Honeypot is nothing more than a trap. One, that aims to deceive criminals and exposes both their intentions and their origins. When it’s used correctly it can be a very powerful weapon in your cyber security toolkit.
Not Just a Developer’s Tool
There still exists a stigma, that Honeypots are only useful for anti-malware developers. These professionals will use Honeypots as a way to collect and analyze malware. This aids in their signature creation process, but that stigma is fading away.
Modern Honeypot Examples
Modern Honeypots have transformed from merely a tool to analyze malware, into full blown, enterprise level solutions. Solutions offered by companies like TrapX and WatchPoint use deception to detect data breaches that would otherwise go unnoticed.
Deception Technology Gives You the Advantage
Malware today is more advanced and harder to detect than ever, but it does have its flaws. Attackers assume that the data they are seeing is real, so use that to your advantage. Deception technology, lures attackers into a trap where their nefarious activities are identified instantly. This is why deception technology is so powerful and is the primary reason your business should consider it.
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Contact WatchPoint to learn about how their HackTraps will protect your network through the use of deception.