The Top 8 Digital Marketing Trends for Law Firms in 2016

Jordan Kadlec


In the recent past, competition in the legal sector has taken a new dimension. There are more lawyers than there were ten years ago and they all want to build successful law firms. As such, legal marketing trends have emerged in 2016 that are expected to boost law firm positions and practices. Here are eight significant digital marketing trends for 2016 that will boost marketing and business development.

Social media conversion

Social media is now the ultimate digital marketing tool for all businesses including law firms. Thus, all serious law firms are active on social media. 2016 is the year tech-savvy firms will adopt and implement social media strategies that will boost engagement with the target audience and enable then to generate conversions. Conversion can be in the form of new business, clientele, getting the target audience to download e-books or attend events. Firms will focus on generating real businesses via social media marketing. 

Importance of SEO

SEO is a key digital marketing strategy for all businesses with an online presence. Law firms are now making significant investments by hiring SEO experts to improve their search engine rankings. This a digital trend that will continue and get heated as more law firms understand the importance of search engine optimization. 

Microsites will be utilized for different industry and practice groups

Law firms feature different practice areas and industries. Therefore, legal marketers have come up with a microsites campaign strategy where they focus on specific audience needs by posting in relevant microsites. With microsites, businesses develop properties and strategies focusing on specific industries, target groups, and legal topics. 

Mobile sites and searches will dominate desktop

With the launch of a Google algorithm that to phase out sites that are not mobile-optimized, mobile internet usage is bound to increase. Therefore, law firms hoping to utilize digital marketing must ensure that their websites are mobile friendly and optimized to display appropriately on different mobile devices. 

Intelligent content

Intelligent content is informative, structurally rich, reusable and provides a solution. Law firms have diverse client needs, areas of practice, services to offer and use different languages as per geographical coverage. So, to benefit fully from content marketing, they must utilize intelligent content that attracts and addresses different client groups. 

Measuring ROI and actionable insights

Firms and marketers generate their social analytic report often but do nothing with or about the data they receive. The data is supposed to tell where you need to focus on most and what you need to improve. Law firms are slowly realizing this and hiring data scientists to interpret the social and digital data and enable them to measure actionable insights and ROI.

Multichannel marketing

Multichannel marketing is the ability to interact with clients on various online platforms the same way you would in the office. Most firms have not fully embraced the digital migration. So, you encounter the best experiences in their offices, but their social media and website presence is little to none. 

Marketing automation

Marketing automation refers to technologies and software platforms that are designed to enable effective marketing on multiple channels. Law firms are slowly picking up on the numerous advantages marketing automation offers. 

Bottom line

Digital marketing is paramount, but it can also lead to network security risks. Law firms are of particular interest to hackers and rivals alike. Thus, you may have to deal with a cyber attack or security breach if you fail to protect your network accordingly. Invest in comprehensive cyber security from and enjoy peace of mind knowing that all client information is out of hackers’ reach. 

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