An interesting thing happened to a customer of ours recently. A very senior member of their staff received an email from Network Solutions for a regular renewal payment for a domain name. Within…
Big data, little data, personal data or PII, data is everywhere. The digital world is awash with your data and it is getting into the hands of the wrong people.
Data leakage: The unauthorized transfer of classified information from a computer or datacenter to the outside world. Data leakage can be accomplished by simply remembering what was seen, by physical…
In August of 2014 a cyber security, data breach affecting 51 UPS franchises across 24 states occurred. This data breach exposed client names, business and home addresses, email addresses and payment…
Software is just like many other products - it improves over time. Just like your current television is better than the one you had in 1990, software too has updates which improve the performance and…
What’s Happened to Anti-Virus Software? Can Patch Management Save the Day?
Anti-virus software has stopped doing its job, that’s what’s happened and patch management is the way forward in malware prevention. That is a bold statement that should strike fear in the heart of…
Why You Need Patching
This literally happened yesterday to a WatchPoint client: An employee at a WatchPoint protected insurance agency was casually browsing her favorite TV show (on a break of course). She had no idea she…
Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid…
While it may seem like a bit of an over the top title, the fact is it just about sums up the situation we have found ourselves in today, in terms of malware attacks. People like to stick their heads…
CryptoWall 3.0: Breaking the Walls Down
CryptoWall 3.0 is the latest in a line of Trojans whose sole purpose is to extort money from innocent victims like me and you. In the ever-growing list of nasty technology infections, this one is up…