5 Lessons for Every Law Firm Starter

Jordan Kadlec

How_to.pngEvery lawyer's dream is to start a law firm after graduating from law school. But, practicing law full time requires dedication and patience for a rewarding career. The job market is challenging, and your practice choices can be limited. But, you can prepare in advance for the challenges by taking note of the lessons below.

Down time does not exist

The first few months before you get customers, you will have a lot of free time. But remember that time is money. You have no time to waste on things that do not grow your business simply because you do not have active cases in court. So, before the clients start flowing in, invest your time in building a captivating website, online presence and effective marketing strategies. Get acquainted with the new and controversial cases within your area and offer free legal advice to people who need it. This is a sure way to attract clients.

Every attorney has their weaknesses

When you start a law firm, you get to encounter all types of lawyers. Some will be good, professionally strong and others weak. The worst in the legal profession are the lawyers who have weaknesses yet fail to acknowledge them. They will write misspelled tirades; some have no social skills and others are not court people. The trick to being successful is not learning from such lawyers. Be as professional as possible and sharpen your craft consistently.

Marketing is a long game

Just like all other businesses, you can source your law firm clients from anywhere. You can get them through referrals, social media or print and visual media advertising. Whatever your channel, marketing is a long game that requires patience and takes forever to give results. Craft a marketing strategy that you are comfortable with and can implement without much stress.

Network security

Your customers are the backbone of your business. They are the reason your business normally runs, pays bills and employees. So, their information and privacy should be protected at all cost. Invest in a reliable network security system that is hard to hack. Legal clients will confide their dirtiest secrets with you so that you can protect them. But their rivals crave for the secrets to bringing them down, and they would do anything to get it. So, avoid a situation where you lose all your clients because you failed to protect their information.

Contract jobs can save you

If you have numerous monthly financial obligations, contract jobs can save you big time. You get contract jobs by assisting other law firms with their work backlogs at a contractual fee. This could include research or writing jobs. Whatever the case, they can save you before you start earning a decent income that can settle your monthly bills.


A law firm is one of the most delicate yet profitable businesses. The delicate bit means that you must protect your business, its resources, and information with the right network security systems. You have heard of law firms that have been hacked, delicate client information leaked and the repercussions. Learn from their mistakes!

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