In today's climate of cybersecurity, we need to look to protection, and not prevention. Prevention is simply not working. Brian Dye, a Senior VP at Symantec, a global leader in antivirus software,…
Michael Collis

Kansas Heart Hospital in Wichita was the latest in a string of hospitals around the country to be hit with ransomware. The amount of the ransom request is unknown, but we do know that the hospital…
You come into work Monday morning after a wonderful weekend with the family and are ready to start the week off with a bang. Meetings scheduled, appointments set, clients to contact, but first you…
WatchPoint to Release May 16th
WatchPoint is releasing its latest malware intrusion technology,, on May 16th, 2016. After seeing Ransomware cripple businesses across the country, WatchPoint's innovation team set…
CEO of WatchPoint Weighed in on Cybersecurity on KCRG’s Ethical Perspectives Program Sunday April 17th
Greg Edwards, the CEO of local cybersecurity firm WatchPoint, appeared on the KCRG program, Ethical Perspectives, on Sunday, April 17th. The title of the program was "Tapping the iPhone". Edwards, a…
CEO of WatchPoint Data to Weigh in on Cybersecurity on KCRG’s Ethical Perspectives Program This Sunday
CEDAR RAPIDS, IA – APRIL 13, 2016 – Greg Edwards, the CEO of local cybersecurity firm WatchPoint, is set to appear on the KCRG program, Ethical Perspectives, at 11:00 am on Sunday, April 17th. The…
Tapping the iPhone
Greg Edwards, the CEO of local cybersecurity firm WatchPoint, is set to appear on the KCRG program, Ethical Perspectives, at 11:00 A.M on Sunday, April 17th. The title of the program is "Tapping the…
Defenseless Against Cryptowall…Or Are We?
You enter work on a bright Monday morning with several projects on your plate: clients to call, appointments to make, accounts to update, meetings with staff. But what you weren’t expecting was to…
Locking Your Kid's Credit
It’s the year 2030 and your son, James, is off to get his first car. With a sparkle in his eyes and an extra pep in his step, he heads to his local bank to secure a loan for the first big purchase on…