Not a week goes by that we don’t hear of another crippling cyber-attack on a major company in the U.S. Target, Sony, Anthem, Home Depot, Staples, Kmart, UPS, the list goes on and on. Who’s next? When…
Michael Collis

Cyber Crime Against the Small Business
December 18, 2015
Michael Collis
As a small business owner are you prepared for a cyber security attack? What damage would a cyber security breach mean to your company? Who is responsible for cyber security in your organization? As…
There is Nothing You Can Do
November 13, 2015
Michael Collis
Another week, another major cyber threat to the financial world and what do we hear from our national media? There is nothing you can do. This week it was Gery Shalon in the news. The 31-year-old…
LifeLock: 100% Not Guaranteed
September 10, 2015
Michael Collis
Do you recall those eye catching ads for LifeLock? You know, the ones where CEO Todd Davis publishes his own Social Security number on the side of a truck and dares anyone to steal his identity? Of…