I love being an ‘80s child. Every time I stumble across a movie from my childhood, I’m reminded of how simple life really used to be. It was nothing but pure unadulterated freedom and rad-ness…
It looks like cybercriminals are looking for the “bigger fish in the sea” with the rise of whaling. While phishing middle to lower level employees is still extremely relevant in the world of…
WatchPoint to Release CryptoStopper.io May 16th
WatchPoint is releasing its latest malware intrusion technology, CryptoStopper.io, on May 16th, 2016. After seeing Ransomware cripple businesses across the country, WatchPoint's innovation team set…
A Breakdown of Tor
Recently a service called Tor has been growing in popularity; it has even gotten media attention at times. Tor itself is a free anonymity project that was created to help spur on the free web…
How to Decrypt Jigsaw Ransomware
There is a new variant on the old ransomware theme that has been introduced into the wild. Jigsaw ransomware not only locks your computer to encrypt your files but it also deletes them if you don’t…
Urgent: Zero Day | Remove QuickTime
Apple is no longer supporting the video playing application QuickTime for Windows. If you still have it installed, you should uninstall it immediately. At least two Zero Day Vulnerabilities exist…
Dridex’s newest campaign steals credit card information using an Automatic Transfer System (ATS) mechanism. The malware is capable of compromising users’ credentials to hijack an end user session to…
With the Dyre Banking Trojan going silent or being completely shut down in early 2016, we shouldn’t be surprised that other banking Trojans have emerged. Android/Spy.Agent.SI and GozNym have been the…
CEO of WatchPoint Weighed in on Cybersecurity on KCRG’s Ethical Perspectives Program Sunday April 17th
Greg Edwards, the CEO of local cybersecurity firm WatchPoint, appeared on the KCRG program, Ethical Perspectives, on Sunday, April 17th. The title of the program was "Tapping the iPhone". Edwards, a…