Cyber criminals are using an exploit kit to distribute the fastest spreading ransomware to-date. The ransomware being distributed is WannaCry 2.0 but is also referenced to as WannaCrypt0r, Wanna…
Jordan Kadlec

Security Breach Notification Laws
As of now, 48 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands have implemented legislation that requires private or government entities to notify individuals if they have…
Fileless Malware Demystified
In a recent webinar hosted by WatchPoint, CEO Greg Edwards and Chief Hacking Officer Nathan Studebaker explained fileless malware. Fileless malware is a tactic that we have seen professional hackers…
Google Docs Phishing Scheme
A Google Docs phishing scheme is taking the internet by storm this week. A client of ours received an email from one of their colleagues similar to the screenshot below.
April Ransomware in Review
April was an extremely busy month in the world of ransomware. There are several new ransomware variants that look like they are going to stay around for a while. Cerber has taken over the reigns as…
At WatchPoint, we are proud to have the largest list of ransomware decryptors on the internet. However, it’s important to know that the majority of ransomware variants do not have a decryptor…
Mole Ransomware: A New Variant of CryptoMix
A new ransomware called Mole has been found, and it appears to be a version of the CryptoMix family. Additionally, Mole has many similarities to the Revenge and CryptoShield variants which are also…
Dharma Ransomware Has A New Extension
A new ransomware that appends .wallet to the end of encrypted files has appeared over the last couple of weeks. After further research, it has been determined that this is a newer variant of CrySiS…
In 2016, several hospitals and healthcare organizations were hit with ransomware attacks. In fact, between October 2016 and February 2017, 42.77% of cyberattacks targeted healthcare organizations.…