March was a month where a lot of small ransomware variants appeared but never came to fruition. There was, however, an update on CryptoLocker making its return, Cerber added a couple of new features,…
Jordan Kadlec

Matrix Ransomware - CryptoStopper Can Help!
We recently had an individual inquire about a form of ransomware named Matrix. Unfortunately, there is currently no way to decrypt files that are encrypted by the Matrix ransomware without paying the…
Star Trek Themed Ransomware
A new ransomware variant named ‘Kirk’ after popular Star Trek character James. T. Kirk recently hit the cybersecurity scene. Like most forms of ransomware, Kirk Ransomware immediately starts…
A zero-day attack named Double Agent has been discovered that exploits a 15-year-old feature in Windows from XP through Windows 10. The attack has the ability to take over antivirus software on…
Ransomware Decrypters | Where to Find the Antidote
While no one wants to be hit with ransomware, the fact is that one in two businesses will be infected with some type of ransomware in 2017. Knowing what to do and where to find a possible antidote or…
Spear Phishing Examples
Phishing is one of the most common attack vectors hackers use to initially infiltrate a user’s system. Phishing is an attempt to obtain user credentials, financial data, or other sensitive…
Top 7 Revelations of Vault 7
WikiLeaks dropped a bombshell on Tuesday, March 7th when it began a new series of leaks on the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. Code-named Vault 7, Year Zero is the first series and is comprised of…
Advanced Persistent Threats and Ransomware
Advanced Persistent Threats (APT) and ransomware have been the most dreaded types of malware over the last couple of years. While there are clear and distinct differences between APTs and ransomware,…
February Ransomware in Review
Although February was a short month, there certainly wasn’t a shortage of new ransomware variants. While there were several variants that will probably never make it into circulation, there was some…