Ransomware has been the most prevalent form of cyber attacks in 2016. Between the end of 2015 and the first half of 2016, ransomware saw an 800% increase in ransom paid to cyber criminals. Cyber…
Voter Databases Breached in Illinois and Arizona
Ahead of the November 8th presidential election, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is urging states to increase computer security. This comes as no surprise with the recent breach of election…
5 Ways to Protect Your Facebook Account
With Facebook being the most widely used social media network with over 1.7 billion active monthly users, you can be assured that it is one of the biggest targets for cyber criminals.
It’s always a good idea to have your activation key handy prior to formatting your hard drive and attempting to reinstall or upgrade the operating system. If you have ever lost your Windows…
Deception Technology in Action - CryptoStopper Bait Files Deceive Ransomware
Deception Technology has come a long way since the first honeynets of the late 90’s; however, one product that hasn’t gotten better, even though it has had a 10 year head start, is antivirus. Expert…
Overview Imagine it’s Monday morning, it’s 8:00 a.m., the work week isn’t even a full minute old, and the CEO is calling the support line, frantic because his password expired and now he can’t login…
Banks Saving Bitcoins for Ransomware Payments
Ransomware is a type of malware that denies access to a device or files until a ransom is paid, at which point the cyber criminals will provide a decryption key to allow the user to regain access to…
Russian Cybergang Hacks Payment System
Oracle’s point-of-sale terminal’s support website, MICROS, which you all have undoubtedly used, was hacked by a Russian cybergang recently.
Today we are going to look at how CryptoStopper.io performs against a malware attack by the dreaded TeslaCrypt ransomware. In this demonstration, I will illustrate how quickly a server running…